Things in Etsyland are at a snails crawl, so lately as you may have noticed I've been putting my focus toward health and fitness instead of painting and crafting. I am quite passionate about leading a healthy lifestyle which is a good balance to my artistic and creative side. Without good health, I would not have the energy for all the aspects of life– especially motherhood, which requires so much.... So since January 25th of this 2010 year I began my journey to be in phenomenal shape physically and mentally. Why start now?
I fit the typical story of someone who has always been fit and then had a couple babies and cannot loose the belly. I also have Diastasis Recti, a separation of the abdominal wall due to my large babies that has left me with a weak and protruding belly which makes me very depressed as I used to have a flat stomach. Having my children at 35, then 37 made it so much harder to get back in shape. Even though my energy level is quite high compared to friends my age, being an older mom meant battling the mommy weight and the "getting older weight" that just suddenly appeared. Having a desk job as a graphic artist wasn't helping my battle of the bulge either. Add in the lack of time, motivation and a mean sweet tooth and it is a loosing battle. I also need to lower my cholesterol which is quite high (256) and probably a genetic issue as well.
I started working out an hour a day at home back in July of 09 and had terrific results after only 30 days using this program called p90x...then I got laid off in August and fell off the wagon. Trying to start a Etsy business and doing more sitting left me with no time to work out. My body just sort of got stuck in a sitting position. Fast forward 5 months later (Jan 2010) and I am starting back up again! This time I mean it! Due to those few months of not exercising I feel rickety & old and have some new aches and pains...and that belly is only getting bigger. I have less energy to play with the kids and too lazy to walk the dogs...I do not want to be this person as I head into my 40s. I am going to be 39 in April 2010 and I want to spend my last of my 30's with a killer body! That is my birthday present to myself!!
I hope that my posts about health and fitness are just as interesting and inspiring as my posts about Etsy and Artmaking. I plan to start another blog that goes more into detail about my daily workouts/nutrition and when I get that going I will link it!